
Manuscript submission

Authors are invited to submit papers, written in English, containing original and high quality work not submitted or published elsewhere. The corresponding author is responsible for the originality of the paper. The recommended length of the paper is NOT LESS THAN 4 PAGES.

The manuscript must be edited according to the guide for authors and should be submitted via the online system of the conference.

Manuscript Guidelines:

The manuscript should be submitted via the online system of the conference.

For submitting your manuscript, please visit our online platform.
Select "Upload File". Use your Abstract Submission ID and password to upload a full paper.
Choose file format (.doc or .docx) then select file (click Browse).

The deadline for manuscript submission is 22 April 2023.

Paper presentation

Paper presentation type could be oral, poster or virtual, it is selected by the author during the paper submission.

Oral Presentation

Oral presentation should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint and submitted to the technical secretary of the session at least half an hour before the session begins. Presentations last about 15 min including discussion, sometimes longer, depending on the number of papers in the session.

Poster Presentation

Paper can also be presented as a poster. Authors should prepare and print the poster according to given instructions. For poster presentation authors are instructed to use the Poster template.

Poster Guidelines:

The deadline for poster submission is 22 April 2023.

Virtual Presentation

Participants who are unable to attend the Conference in person can choose the virtual presentation option. The Zoom platform will be used for virtual presentations. Authors will receive all necessary information to access virtual sessions. At least one of the authors is required to be online during the virtual session and available for questions and discussion related to the paper.

Publishing ethics

We promote integrity in research publication so we support and advocate usage of COPE comprehensive guidelines and advice for our editors, and authors.

Reviewing process

All manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer-review and are expected to meet the scientific criteria of novelty and academic excellence.



Tribology in Industry
ISSN: 0354-8996

Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac

Serbian Tribology Society